Monday, February 22, 2010

Next Year

We are excited to announce some changes to the coaching staff for next year. I have been coaching at SPA for 14 years and have really enjoyed my time coaching. Now that our family has doubled in size in the past year we find that we are unable to give you, as SPA fencers all of the time and attention that we have given you in the past and that you deserve. We can not say who will be coaching next year, since that is still undecided, but Bob Prifrel will still be a coach and Bob and I will be mentoring the new coaches, you just won't see us everyday. We will still run the SPA Invite and we are hosting States next year. We are excited to see the legacy of SPA Fencing move on to new leadership and have many happy memories of SPA fencing.

Thank you - Bob and Jenni

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